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The pluginAPI module contains functions that are useful when developing plugins. All of the functions are accessible through the pluginAPI object. In this documentation we've divided them up based on different kinds of functionality.

Keyboard Input





Return value

Returns nothing.


Cancels all currently active keyboard listeners created by jsPsych.pluginAPI.getKeyboardResponse.






Parameter Type Description
listener_id object The listener_id object generated by the call to jsPsych.pluginAPI.getKeyboardResponse.

Return value

Returns nothing.


Cancels a specific keyboard listener created by jsPsych.pluginAPI.getKeyboardResponse.


// create a persistent keyboard listener
var listener_id = jsPsych.pluginAPI.getKeyboardResponse({
    callback_function: after_response, 
    valid_responses: ['p','q'], 
    rt_method: 'performance', 
    persist: true,
    allow_held_key: false

// cancel keyboard listener


jsPsych.pluginAPI.compareKeys(key1, key2)


Parameter Type Description
key1 string or numeric The representation of a key, either string or keycode
key2 string or numeric The representation of a key, either string or keycode

Return value

Returns true if keycodes or strings refer to the same key, regardless of type. Returns false if the keycodes or strings do not match.


Compares two keys to see if they are the same, ignoring differences in representational type, and using the appropriate case sensitivity based on the experiment's settings.

If case_sensitive_responses is set to false in initJsPsych (the default), then the string key comparison will not be case-sensitive, e.g., "a" and "A" will match, and this function will return true. If case_sensitive_responses is set to true in initJsPsych, then the string key comparison will not be case-sensitive, e.g., "a" and "A" will not match, and this function will return false.

We recommend using this function to compare keys in all plugin and experiment code, rather than using something like if (response == 'j').... This is because the response key returned by the jsPsych.pluginAPI.getKeyboardResponse function will be converted to lowercase when case_sensitive_responses is false, and it will match the exact key press representation when case_sensitive_responses is true. Using this compareKeys function will ensure that your key comparisons work appropriately based on the experiment's case_sensitive_responses setting, and that you do not need to remember to check key responses against different case versions of the comparison key (e.g. if (response == 'ArrowLeft' || response == 'arrowleft')...).


Basic examples
jsPsych.pluginAPI.compareKeys('a', 'A');
// returns true when case_sensitive_responses is false in initJsPsych

jsPsych.pluginAPI.compareKeys('a', 'A');
// returns false when case_sensitive_responses is true in initJsPsych

// also works with numeric key codes (but note that numeric keyCode values are now deprecated)
jsPsych.pluginAPI.compareKeys('a', 65);
// returns true

jsPsych.pluginAPI.compareKeys('space', 31);
// returns false
Comparing a key response and key parameter value in plugins
// this is the callback_function passed to jsPsych.pluginAPI.getKeyboardResponse
var after_response = function(info) {
  // score the response by comparing the key that was pressed against the trial's key_answer parameter
  var correct = jsPsych.pluginAPI.compareKeys(trial.key_answer, info.key);
Scoring a key response in experiment code
var trial = {
  type: jsPsychHtmlKeyboardResponse,
  stimulus: '<<<<<',
  choices: ['f','j'],
  prompt: 'Press f for left. Press j for right.',
  on_finish: function(data){
    // score the response by comparing the key that was pressed (data.response) against the 
    // correct response for this trial ('f'), and store reponse accuracy in the trial data
    if(jsPsych.pluginAPI.compareKeys(data.response, 'f')){
      data.correct = true;
    } else {
      data.correct = false; 




The method accepts an object of parameter values (see example below). The valid keys for this object are listed in the table below.

Parameter Type Description
callback_function function The function to execute whenever a valid keyboard response is generated.
valid_responses array An array of key codes or character strings representing valid responses. Responses not on the list will be ignored. An empty array indicates that no response is acceptable.
rt_method string Indicates which method of recording time to use. The 'performance' method uses calls to, which is the standard way of measuring timing in jsPsych. It is supported by up-to-date versions of all the major browsers. The audio method is used in conjuction with an audio_context (set as an additional parameter). This uses the clock time of the audio_context when audio stimuli are being played.
audio_context AudioContext object The AudioContext of the audio file that is being played.
audio_context_start_time numeric The scheduled time of the sound file in the AudioContext. This will be used as the start time.
allow_held_key boolean If true, then responses will be registered from keys that are being held down. If false, then a held key can only register a response the first time that getKeyboardResponse is called for that key. For example, if a participant holds down the A key before the experiment starts, then the first time getKeyboardResponse is called, the A will register as a key press. However, any future calls to getKeyboardResponse will not register the A until the participant releases the key and presses it again.
persist boolean If false, then the keyboard listener will only trigger the first time a valid key is pressed. If true, then it will trigger every time a valid key is pressed until it is explicitly cancelled by jsPsych.pluginAPI.cancelKeyboardResponse or jsPsych.pluginAPI.cancelAllKeyboardResponses.
minimum_valid_rt number The minimum valid response time for key presses. Any key press response time that is less than this value will be treated as invalid and ignored.

Return value

Return an object that uniquely identifies the keyboard listener. This object can be passed to jsPsych.pluginAPI.cancelKeyboardResponse to cancel the keyboard listener.


Gets a keyboard response from the participant, recording the response time from when the function is first called until a valid response is generated.

The keyboard event listener will be bound to the display_element declared in initJsPsych() (or the <body> element if no display_element is specified). This allows jsPsych experiments to be embedded in websites with other content without disrupting the functionality of other UI elements.

A valid response triggers the callback_function specified in the parameters. A single argument is passed to the callback function. The argument contains an object with the properties key and rt. key contains the string representation of the response key, and rt contains the response time.

This function uses the .key value of the keyboard event, which is case sensitive. When case_sensitive_responses is false in initJsPsych (the default), this function will convert both the valid_responses strings and the response key to lowercase before comparing them, and it will pass the lowercase version of the response key to the callback_function. For example, if valid_responses is ['a'], then both 'A' and 'a' will be considered valid key presses, and 'a' will be returned as the response key. When case_sensitive_responses is true in initJsPsych, this function will not convert the case when comparing the valid_responses and response key, and it will not convert the case of the response key that is passed to the callback_function. For example, if valid_responses is ['a'], then 'a' will be the only valid key press, and 'A' (i.e. 'a' with CapsLock on or Shift held down) will not be accepted. Also, if valid_responses includes multiple letter case options (e.g. "ALL_KEYS"), then you may need to check the response key against both letter cases when scoring etc., e.g. if (response == 'ArrowLeft' || response =='arrowleft') ....


Get a single response from any key
var after_response = function(info){
    alert('You pressed key '+info.key+' after '+info.rt+'ms');

  valid_responses: "ALL_KEYS",
  rt_method: 'performance',
  persist: false
Get a responses from a key until the letter q is pressed
var after_response = function(info){
    alert('You pressed key '+info.key+' after '+info.rt+'ms');

    if(jsPsych.pluginAPI.compareKeys(info.key,'q')){ /

var listener = jsPsych.pluginAPI.getKeyboardResponse({
  valid_responses: "ALL_KEYS",
  rt_method: 'performance',
  persist: true





Parameter Type Description
filepath string The path to the audio file that was preloaded.

Return value

Returns a Promise that resolves when the audio file loads. Success handler's parameter will be the audio buffer. If the experiment is running using the WebAudio API it will be an AudioBuffer object. Otherwise, it will be an HTML5 Audio object. The failure handler's parameter is the error generated by preloadAudio.


Gets an AudioBuffer that can be played with the WebAudio API or an Audio object that can be played with HTML5 Audio.

It is strongly recommended that you preload audio files before calling this method. This method will load the files if they are not preloaded, but this may result in delays during the experiment as audio is downloaded.


HTML 5 Audio
    console.error('Audio file failed to load')
WebAudio API
var context = jsPsych.pluginAPI.audioContext();

    audio = context.createBufferSource();
    audio.buffer = buffer;
    console.error('Audio file failed to load')

See the audio-keyboard-response plugin for an example in a fuller context.




Parameter Type Description
timeline array An array containing the trial object(s) from which a list of media files should be automatically generated. This array can contain the entire experiment timeline, or any individual parts of a larger timeline, such as specific timeline nodes and trial objects.

Return value

An object with properties for each media type: images, audio, and video. Each property contains an array of the unique files of that media type that were automatically extracted from the timeline. If no files are found in the timeline for a particular media type, then the array will be empty for that type.


This method is used to automatically generate lists of unique image, audio, and video files from a timeline. It is used by the preload plugin to generate a list of to-be-preloaded files based on the trials passed to the trials parameter and/or the experiment timeline passed to (when auto_preload is true). It can be used in custom plugins and experiment code to generate a list of audio/image/video files, based on a timeline.

This function will only return files from plugin parameters that are marked as parameter type AUDIO/IMAGE/VIDEO, and only when the preload flag of the corresponding parameter definition has not been set to false, and the trial's parameter value is not a function. When a file path is returned to the trial parameter from a function (including the jsPsych.timelineVariable function), or when the file path is embedded in an HTML string, that file will not be detected by the getAutoPreloadList method. In these cases, the file should be preloaded manually. See Media Preloading for more information.


var audio_trial = {
    type: jsPsychAudioKeyboardResponse
    stimulus: 'file.mp3'

var image_trial = {
    type: jsPsychImageKeyboardResponse
    stimulus: 'file.png'

var video_trial = {
    type: jsPsychVideoKeyboardResponse
    stimulus: 'file.mp4'

var timeline = [audio_trial, image_trial, video_trial];






Return value

A MediaRecorder object connected to the MediaStream for the active camera.


Provides access to the MediaRecorder created by initializeCameraRecorder(). If no camera recorder exists, it returns null.


const recorder = jsPsych.pluginAPI.getCameraRecorder();





Return value

A MediaRecorder object connected to the MediaStream for the active microphone.


Provides access to the MediaRecorder created by initializeMicrophoneRecorder(). If no microphone recorder exists, it returns null.


const recorder = jsPsych.pluginAPI.getMicrophoneRecorder();




Parameter Type Description
stream MediaStream The MediaStream object from an active camera device.
opts MediaRecorderOptions The MediaRecorderOptions for the recorder. See MDN docs for details about these options.

Return value



Generates a MediaRecorder object from provided MediaStream and stores this for access via getCameraRecorder().


const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
  audio: true,
  video: { width: 1280, height: 720 }, // request a certain resolution





Parameter Type Description
stream MediaStream The MediaStream object from an active microphone device.

Return value



Generates a MediaRecorder object from provided MediaStream and stores this for access via getMicrophoneRecorder().


const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: { deviceId: mic_id } });



jsPsych.pluginAPI.preloadAudio(files, callback_complete, callback_load, callback_error)


Parameter Type Description
files array An array of audio file paths to load. The array can be nested (e.g., if images are in multiple arrays to help sort by condition or task).
callback_complete function A function to execute when all the files have been loaded.
callback_load function A function to execute after a single file has been loaded. A single parameter is passed to this function which is the file source (string) that has loaded.
callback_error function A function to execute after a single file has produced an error. A single parameter is passed to this function which is the file source (string) that produced the error.

Return value

Returns nothing.


This function is used to preload audio files. It is used by the preload plugin, and could be called directly to preload audio files in custom plugins or experiment. See Media Preloading for more information.

It is possible to run this function without specifying a callback function. However, in this case the code will continue executing while the files are loaded. Thus, it is possible that an audio file would be required for playing before it is done preloading. The callback_complete function will only execute after all the audio files are loaded, and can be used to control the flow of the experiment (e.g., by starting the experiment in the callback_complete function).

The callback_load and callback_error functions are called after each file has either loaded or produced an error, so these functions can also be used to monitor loading progress. See example below.


Basic use
var sounds = ['file1.mp3', 'file2.mp3', 'file3.mp3'];

    function(){ startExperiment(); },
    function(file){ console.log('file loaded: ', file); }
    function(file){ console.log('error loading file: ', file); }

function startExperiment(){;
Show progress of loading
var sounds = ['file1.mp3', 'file2.mp3', 'file3.mp3'];
var n_loaded = 0;

jsPsych.pluginAPI.preloadAudio(sounds, function(){ startExperiment(); }, function(file) { updateLoadedCount(file); });

function updateLoadedCount(file){
    var percentcomplete = n_loaded / sounds.length * 100;

    // could put something fancier here, like a progress bar
    // or updating text in the DOM.
    console.log('Loaded '+percentcomplete+'% of audio files');

function startExperiment(){;


jsPsych.pluginAPI.preloadImages(images, callback_complete, callback_load, callback_error)


Parameter Type Description
images array An array of image paths to load. The array can be nested (e.g., if images are in multiple arrays to help sort by condition or task).
callback_complete function A function to execute when all the images have been loaded.
callback_load function A function to execute after a single file has been loaded. A single parameter is passed to this function which is the file source (string) that has loaded.
callback_error function A function to execute after a single file has produced an error. A single parameter is passed to this function which is the file source (string) that produced the error.

Return value

Returns nothing.


This function is used to preload image files. It is used by the preload plugin, and could be called directly to preload image files in custom plugins or experiment code. See Media Preloading for more information.

It is possible to run this function without specifying a callback function. However, in this case the code will continue executing while the images are loaded. Thus, it is possible that an image would be required for display before it is done preloading. The callback_complete function will only execute after all the images are loaded, and can be used to control the flow of the experiment (e.g., by starting the experiment in the callback_complete function).

The callback_load and callback_error functions are called after each file has either loaded or produced an error, so these functions can also be used to monitor loading progress. See example below.


Basic use
var images = ['img/file1.png', 'img/file2.png', 'img/file3.png'];

    function(){ startExperiment(); },
    function(file){ console.log('file loaded: ', file); }
    function(file){ console.log('error loading file: ', file); }

function startExperiment(){;
Show progress of loading
var images = ['img/file1.png', 'img/file2.png', 'img/file3.png'];
var n_loaded = 0;

jsPsych.pluginAPI.preloadImages(images, function(){ startExperiment(); }, function(file) { updateLoadedCount(file); });

function updateLoadedCount(file){
    var percentcomplete = n_loaded / images.length * 100;

    // could put something fancier here, like a progress bar
    // or updating text in the DOM.
    console.log('Loaded '+percentcomplete+'% of images');

function startExperiment(){;


jsPsych.pluginAPI.preloadVideo(video, callback_complete, callback_load, callback_error)


Parameter Type Description
video array An array of video paths to load. The array can be nested (e.g., if videos are in multiple arrays to help sort by condition or task).
callback_complete function A function to execute when all the videos have been loaded.
callback_load function A function to execute after a single file has been loaded. A single parameter is passed to this function which is the file source (string) that has loaded.
callback_error function A function to execute after a single file has produced an error. A single parameter is passed to this function which is the file source (string) that produced the error.

Return value

Returns nothing.


This function is used to preload video files. It is used by the preload plugin, and could be called directly to preload video files in custom plugins or experiment code. See Media Preloading for more information.

It is possible to run this function without specifying a callback function. However, in this case the code will continue executing while the videos are loaded. Thus, it is possible that a video would be requested before it is done preloading. The callback_complete function will only execute after all the videos are loaded, and can be used to control the flow of the experiment (e.g., by starting the experiment in the callback_complete function).

The callback_load and callback_error functions are called after each file has either loaded or produced an error, so these functions can also be used to monitor loading progress. See example below.


Basic use
var videos = ['vid/file1.mp4', 'vid/file2.mp4', 'vid/file3.mp4'];

  function(){ startExperiment(); },
  function(file){ console.log('file loaded: ', file); }
  function(file){ console.log('error loading file: ', file); }

function startExperiment(){;
Show progress of loading
var videos = ['vid/file1.mp4', 'vid/file2.mp4', 'vid/file3.mp4'];
var n_loaded = 0;

jsPsych.pluginAPI.preloadVideo(videos, function(){ startExperiment(); }, function(file) { updateLoadedCount(file); });

function updateLoadedCount(file){
    var percentcomplete = n_loaded / videos.length * 100;

    // could put something fancier here, like a progress bar
    // or updating text in the DOM.
    console.log('Loaded '+percentcomplete+'% of videos');

function startExperiment(){;



jsPsych.pluginAPI.clickTarget(target, delay)


Parameter Type Description
target Element The DOM element to simulate clicking on.
delay number Time to wait in milliseconds. The click will be executed after the delay.

Return value



Simulates clicking on a DOM element by dispatching three MouseEvents on the target: 'mousedown', then 'mouseup', then 'click'. If delay is positive, then the events are scheduled to execute after the delay via setTimeout.


const target = document.querySelector('.jspsych-btn');

jsPsych.pluginAPI.clickTarget(target, 500);


jsPsych.pluginAPI.ensureSimulationDataConsistency(trial, data)


Parameter Type Description
trial object Parameters for the trial, e.g., those passed to the plugin's trial() method.
data object An object containing data for the trial.

Return value

None. The data object is modified in place by this method.


Performs some basic consistency checks on the data based on the parameters specified in trial. For example, if trial.choices is "NO_KEYS" but data.response is a key string then data.response and data.rt are set to null.


jsPsych.pluginAPI.ensureSimulationDataConsistency(trial, data);


jsPsych.pluginAPI.fillTextInput(target, text, delay)


Parameter Type Description
target HTMLInputElement The input element to fill in with text.
text string The text to input.
delay number Time to wait in milliseconds. The text will be inserted after the delay.

Return value



Sets the value of the target HTMLInputElement to equal text.


const target = document.querySelector('input[type="text"]');

jsPsych.pluginAPI.fillTextInput(target, "hello!", 500);




Parameter Type Description
choices "NO_KEYS" or "ALL_KEYS" or array of strings Representation of the valid keys allowed for a keyboard response used by the getKeyboardResponse method.

Return value

A valid key given the choices parameter, chosen at random from the possible keys.


Picks a random key given a set of options. Currently it only picks letters and numbers when choices is "ALL_KEYS".


const random_key = jsPsych.pluginAPI.getValidKey(trial.choices);




Parameter Type Description
key string The .key property of the corresponding key on the keyboard.

Return value



Dispatches a 'keydown' event for the specified key.






Parameter Type Description
key string The .key property of the corresponding key on the keyboard.

Return value



Dispatches a 'keyup' event for the specified key.




jsPsych.pluginAPI.mergeSimulationData(default_data, simulation_options)


Parameter Type Description
default_data object An object containing data values for the simulated trial.
simulation_options object The simulation_options specified for the trial.

Return value

An object of data.


This method merges the default_data with any data specified in, giving priority to values specified in It returns the merged data.


const default_data = {
  rt: 500,
  response: 'a'

const simulation_options = {
  data: {
    rt: 200

const data = jsPsych.pluginAPI.mergeSimulationData(default_data, simulation_options);

data.rt === 200; // true






Return value

Returns nothing.


Clears any pending timeouts that were set using jsPsych.pluginAPI.setTimeout().


jsPsych.pluginAPI.setTimeout(callback, delay)


Parameter Type Description
callback function A function to execute after waiting for delay.
delay integer Time to wait in milliseconds.

Return value

Returns the ID of the setTimeout handle.


This is simply a call to the standard setTimeout function in JavaScript with the added benefit of registering the setTimeout call in a central list. This is useful for scenarios where some other event (the trial ending, aborting the experiment) should stop the execution of queued timeouts.


// print the time

// print the time 1s later
}, 1000);