This extension supports mouse tracking.
Specifically, it can record the x
and y
coordinates, along with the time of mousemove events, mousedown events, and mouseup events.
It also allows recording of the bounding rectangle of elements on the screen to support the calculation of mouse events relative to different elements.
Initialization Parameters¶
Initialization parameters can be set when calling initJsPsych()
extensions: [
{type: jsPsychExtensionMouseTracking, params: {...}}
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
minimum_sample_time | number | 0 | The minimum time between samples for mousemove events in milliseconds. If mousemove events occur more rapidly than this limit, they will not be recorded. Use this if you want to keep the data files smaller and don't need high resolution tracking data. The default value of 0 means that all events will be recorded. |
Trial Parameters¶
Trial parameters can be set when adding the extension to a trial object.
var trial = {
type: jsPsych...,
extensions: [
{type: jsPsychExtensionMouseTracking, params: {...}}
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
targets | array | [] | A list of elements on the page that you would like to record the coordinates of for comparison with the mouse tracking data. Each entry in the array should be a valid CSS selector string that identifies the element. The selector string should be valid for exactly one element on the page. If the selector is valid for more than one element then only the first matching element will be recorded. |
events | array | ['mousemove'] | A list of events to track. Can include 'mousemove', 'mousedown', and 'mouseup'. |
Data Generated¶
Name | Type | Value |
mouse_tracking_data | array | An array of objects containing mouse movement data for the trial. Each object has an x , a y , a t , and an event property. The x and y properties specify the mouse coordinates in pixels relative to the top left corner of the viewport and t specifies the time in milliseconds since the start of the trial. The event will be either 'mousemove', 'mousedown', or 'mouseup' depending on which event was generated. |
mouse_tracking_targets | object | An object contain the pixel coordinates of elements on the screen specified by the .targets parameter. Each key in this object will be a selector property, containing the CSS selector string used to find the element. The object corresponding to each key will contain x and y properties specifying the top-left corner of the object, width and height values, plus top , bottom , left , and right parameters which specify the bounding rectangle of the element. |
Record mouse movement data and play it back
var trial = {
type: jsPsychHtmlButtonResponse,
stimulus: '<div id="target" style="width:250px; height: 250px; background-color: #333; margin: auto;"></div>',
choices: ['Done'],
prompt: "<p>Move your mouse around inside the square.</p>",
extensions: [
{type: jsPsychExtensionMouseTracking, params: {targets: ['#target']}}
data: {
task: 'draw'
var replay = {
type: jsPsychHtmlButtonResponse,
stimulus: '<div id="target" style="width:250px; height: 250px; background-color: #333; margin: auto; position: relative;"></div>',
choices: ['Done'],
prompt: "<p>Here's the recording of your mouse movements</p>",
on_load: function(){
var mouseMovements =[0].mouse_tracking_data;
var targetRect =[0].mouse_tracking_targets['#target'];
var startTime =;
function draw_frame() {
var timeElapsed = - startTime;
var points = mouseMovements.filter((x) => x.t <= timeElapsed);
var html = ``;
for(var p of points){
html += `<div style="width: 3px; height: 3px; background-color: blue; position: absolute; top: ${p.y - 1 -}px; left: ${p.x - 1 - targetRect.left}px;"></div>`
document.querySelector('#target').innerHTML = html;
if(points.length < mouseMovements.length) {
data: {
task: 'replay'