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Current version: 1.0.3. See version history.

The survey-html-form plugin displays a set of <inputs> from a HTML string. The type of input can be freely chosen, for a list of possible input types see the MDN page on inputs. The participant provides answers to the input fields.


In addition to the parameters available in all plugins, this plugin accepts the following parameters. Parameters with a default value of undefined must be specified. Other parameters can be left unspecified if the default value is acceptable.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
html string undefined HTML formatted string containing all the input elements to display. Every element has to have its own distinctive name attribute. The <form> tag must not be included and is generated by the plugin. This string can contain other HTML elements besides the input fields.
preamble string empty string HTML formatted string to display at the top of the page above all the questions.
button_label string 'Continue' The text that appears on the button to finish the trial.
dataAsArray boolean false Retrieve the data as an array e.g. [{name: "INPUT_NAME", value: "INPUT_VALUE"}, ...] instead of an object e.g. {INPUT_NAME: INPUT_VALUE, ...}. This might be useful if you omit naming your inputs.
autofocus string empty string The HTML element ID of a form field to autofocus on. The focused element is the element that will receive keyboard events. For elements like <input type="text"> or <textbox>, autofocus means that the cursor will appear in the text input area when the trial loads.
autocomplete boolean false This determines whether or not all of the input elements on the page should allow autocomplete. Setting this to true will enable autocomplete or auto-fill for the form.

Data Generated

In addition to the default data collected by all plugins, this plugin collects the following data for each trial.

Name Type Value
response object An object containing the response for each input. The object will have a separate key (variable) for the response to each input, with each variable being named after its corresponding input element. Each response is a string containing whatever the participant answered for this particular input. This will be encoded as a JSON string when data is saved using the .json() or .csv() functions.
rt numeric The response time in milliseconds for the participant to make a response.

Simulation Mode

This plugin does not yet support simulation mode.


Using the CDN-hosted JavaScript file:

<script src=""></script>

Using the JavaScript file downloaded from a GitHub release dist archive:

<script src="jspsych/plugin-survey-html-form.js"></script>

Using NPM:

npm install @jspsych/plugin-survey-html-form
import surveyHtmlForm from '@jspsych/plugin-survey-html-form';


Fill in the blanks
var trial = {
  type: jsPsychSurveyHtmlForm,
  preamble: '<p>How are you feeling <b>right now?</b></p>',
  html: '<p> I am feeling <input name="first" type="text" />, <input name="second" type="text" />, and <input name="third" type="text" />.</p>'

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Using the autofocus parameter

var trial = {
  type: jsPsychSurveyHtmlForm,
  preamble: '<p>What is your favorite bird?</p>',
  html: '<p>My favorite bird is <input type="text" id="test-resp-box" name="response" size="10" /></p>',
  autofocus: 'test-resp-box'
In this example, the browser will focus on the element with the ID test-resp-box when the trial loads. For <input type="text"> elements, this means that the cursor will appear inside the text box.

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