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The survey plugin displays one or more questions of different types, on one or more pages that the participant can navigate. This plugin is built on top of the SurveyJS library.

The supported question types are:

  • "drop-down" for presenting a question with a limited set of options in a drop-down menu. The participant can only select one option.
  • "likert" for presenting a prompt along with a discrete rating scale.
  • "likert-table" for presenting a prompt along with a table of statements/questions (rows) and repeated response options for each statement/question (columns).
  • "multi-choice" for presenting a question with a limited set of options. The participant can only select one option.
  • "multi-select" for presenting a question with a limited set of options. The participant can select multiple options.
  • "ranking" for presenting a question with a limited set of options, where participants respond by dragging and dropping (ordering/ranking) the options.
  • "text" for presenting a question with a free response text field in which the participant can type in an answer.

There is also an "html" type for adding arbitrary HTML-formatted content (without any associated response field) in the question set.


Development on this plugin is ongoing and we plan to incorporate more of the features that SurveyJS provides. Prior to release of version 1.0 of the plugin, we expect the parameters and implementation of this plugin to change. We recommend performing a little bit of extra testing with any experiments that utilize this plugin.


This plugin uses an additional stylesheet called survey.css. You can load it via:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


In addition to the parameters available in all plugins, this plugin accepts the following parameters. Parameters with a default value of undefined must be specified. Other parameters can be left unspecified if the default value is acceptable.

Survey parameters

Parameter Type Default Value Description
pages array undefined An array of arrays. Each inner array contains the content for a single page, which is made up of one or more question objects.
button_label_next string 'Continue' Label of the button to move forward to the next page, or finish the survey.
button_label_previous string 'Back' Label of the button to move to a previous page in the survey.
button_label_finish string 'Finish' Label of the button to submit responses.
autocomplete boolean false This determines whether or not all of the input elements on the page should allow autocomplete. Setting this to true will enable autocomplete or auto-fill for the form.
show_question_numbers string "off" One of: "on", "onPage", "off". If "on", questions will be labelled starting with "1." on the first page, and numbering will continue across pages. If "onPage", questions will be labelled starting with "1.", with separate numbering on each page. If "off", no numbers will be added before the question prompts. Note: HTML question types are ignored in automatic numbering.
title string null If specified, this text will be shown at the top of the survey pages.
required_error string "Please answer the question." Text to display if a required question is not responeded to.
required_question_label string "*" String to display at the end of required questions. Use an empty string ("") if you do not want to add a label to the end of required questions.

Question types and parameters

Parameters for all question types

Parameters with a default value of undefined must be specified. Other parameters can be left unspecified if the default value is acceptable.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
type string undefined The question type. Options are: "drop-down", "html", "likert", "likert-table", "multi-choice", "multi-select", "ranking", "rating", "text".
prompt string undefined The prompt/question that will be associated with the question's response field. If the question type is "html", then this string is the HTML-formatted string to be displayed. If the question type is "likert-table", the prompt is a general question or title presented above the table.
required boolean false Whether a response to the question is required (true) or not (false), using the HTML5 required attribute.
name string null Name of the question to be used for storing data. If this parameter is not provided, then default names will be used to identify the questions in the data: P0_Q0, P0_Q1, P1_Q0 etc. Question names must be unique across all pages within the trial.

Present a question with a limited set of options in a drop-down menu. The participant can only select one option.

In addition to the parameters for all question types, the drop-down question type also offers the following parameters. Parameters with a default value of undefined must be specified. Other parameters can be left unspecified if the default value is acceptable.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
options array of strings undefined This array contains the set of multiple choice options to display for the question.
option_reorder string "none" One of: "none", "asc", "desc", "random". If "none", the options will be listed in the order given in the options array. If random, the option order will be randomized. If "asc" or "desc", the options will be presented in ascending or descending order, respectively.
correct_response string null String from the options array that should be considered correct. If specified, the data will include a correct property that indicates whether the response was correct (true) or not (false).


Present arbitrary HTML-formatted content embedded in the list of questions, including text, images, and sounds. There are no response options.

The only available parameters are those listed for all question types with a default value of undefined (type and prompt) and name. The name parameter is optional and used to identify the question in the data, with a response value of null. The required parameter will be ignored.


Present a prompt along with a discrete rating scale. The scale values are presented as buttons that can be selected and de-selected. The scale is specified by the likert_scale_values parameter, which is an array of text labels and associated values, or it is generated using the likert_rating_min/max/stepsize parameters (along with optional maximum/minimum descriptions).

In addition to the parameters for all question types, the likert question type also offers the following parameters. Parameters with a default value of undefined must be specified. Other parameters can be left unspecified if the default value is acceptable.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
likert_scale_values array of objects null Array of objects that defines the rating scale labels and associated values to be stored in the data. Each object defines a single rating option. The objects must have a value property, which is an integer or string value that will be stored as the response in the data. The objects can optionally have a text property, which is a string that will be displayed for that rating option (example: [{value: 1, text: "A lot"},{value: 2, text: "Somewhat"},{value: 3, text: "Not much"}]). If no text property is specified then the value will be displayed (examples: [{value: 1},{value: 2},{value: 3}], [{value: "Yes"},{value: "Maybe"},{value: "No"}]). If provided, this parameter will override the likert_rating_min/max/stepsize parameters.
likert_scale_min integer 1 If the likert_scale_values array is not specified, then this parameter will define the minimum scale value.
likert_scale_max integer 5 If the likert_scale_values array is not specified, then this parameter will define the maximum scale value.
likert_scale_stepsize integer 1 If the likert_scale_values array is not specified, then this parameter will define the step size that should be used for generating rating options between the minimum and maximum values.
likert_scale_min_label string null Description for the minimum (first) rating option. If provided, this text will be shown inside the first rating button, before the rating text/value. This parameter is meant for defining the scale's minimum when integer values are used for the rating scale buttons.
likert_scale_max_label string null Description for the maximum (last) rating option. If provided, this text will be shown inside the first rating button, after the rating text/value. This parameter is meant for defining the scale's maximum when integer values are used for the rating scale buttons.


Present a prompt along with a table of statements/questions (rows) and repeated response options for each statement/question (columns).

In addition to the parameters for all question types, the likert-table question type also offers the following parameters. Parameters with a default value of undefined must be specified. Other parameters can be left unspecified if the default value is acceptable.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
statements array of objects undefined This array contains one or more objects representing the statements/questions to be presented in the table rows. Each object must have a prompt, which is the statement/question text. The objects can optionally include a name, which is how the statement should be identified in the data. If no name is provided, then the default values of "S0", "S1" etc. will be used.
options array of strings undefined This array contains the set of multiple choice options to be presented in the table columns.
randomize_statement_order boolean false If true, the order of statements/questions in the statements array will be randomized.


Present a question with a limited set of options. The participant can only select one option.

In addition to the parameters for all question types, the multi-choice question type also offers the following parameters. Parameters with a default value of undefined must be specified. Other parameters can be left unspecified if the default value is acceptable.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
options array of strings undefined This array contains the set of multiple choice options to display for the question.
option_reorder string "none" One of: "none", "asc", "desc", "random". If "none", the options will be listed in the order given in the options array. If random, the option order will be randomized. If "asc" or "desc", the options will be presented in ascending or descending order, respectively.
columns integer 1 Number of columns to use for displaying the options. If 1 (default), the choices will be displayed in a single column (vertically). If 0, choices will be displayed in a single row (horizontally). Any value greater than 1 can be used to display options in multiple columns.
correct_response string null String from the options array that should be considered correct. If specified, the data will include a correct property that indicates whether the response was correct (true) or not (false).


Present a question with a limited set of options. The participant can select multiple options.

In addition to the parameters for all question types, the multi-select question type also offers the following parameters. Parameters with a default value of undefined must be specified. Other parameters can be left unspecified if the default value is acceptable.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
options array of strings undefined This array contains the set of options to display for the question.
option_reorder string "none" One of: "none", "asc", "desc", "random". If "none", the options will be listed in the order given in the options array. If random, the option order will be randomized. If "asc" or "desc", the options will be presented in ascending or descending order, respectively.
columns integer 1 Number of columns to use for displaying the options. If 1 (default), the choices will be displayed in a single column (vertically). If 0, choices will be displayed in a single row (horizontally). Any value greater than 1 can be used to display options in multiple columns.
correct_response array of strings null Array of one or more strings from the options array that should be considered correct. If specified, the data will include a correct property that indicates whether the response was correct (true) or not (false).


Present a question with a limited set of options, where participants respond by dragging and dropping (ordering/ranking) the options. It is ideally used with a short list of options (up to about 7 items). It supports mouse responses, touch responses (mobile devices), and keyboard responses (Tab and Shift-Tab to select, and Up/Down arrow keys to re-order).

In addition to the parameters for all question types, the ranking question type also offers the following parameters. Parameters with a default value of undefined must be specified. Other parameters can be left unspecified if the default value is acceptable.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
options array of strings undefined This array contains the set of to-be-ranked options for the question.
option_reorder string "none" One of: "none", "asc", "desc", "random". If "none", the options will be listed in the order given in the options array. If random, the option order will be randomized. If "asc" or "desc", the options will be presented in ascending or descending order, respectively.
correct_response array of strings null The same array of strings used for the options array, but listed in the order that should be considered correct. If specified, the data will include a correct property that indicates whether the response was correct (true) or not (false).


Present a question with a free response text field in which the participant can type in an answer.

In addition to the parameters for all question types, the text question also offers the following parameters. Parameters with a default value of undefined must be specified. Other parameters can be left unspecified if the default value is acceptable.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
placeholder string "" Placeholder text in the text response field.
textbox_rows integer 1 The number of rows (height) for the response text box.
textbox_columns integer 40 The number of columns (width) for the response text box.
validation string "" A regular expression used to validate the response.

Data Generated

In addition to the default data collected by all plugins, this plugin collects the following data for each trial.

Name Type Value
response object An object containing the response to each question. The object will have a separate key (variable) for each question, with the first question on the first page being recorded in P0_Q0, the second question on the first page in P0_Q1, and so on. If the name parameter is defined for the question, then the response object will use the value of name as the key for each question. The response type will depend on the question type. This will be encoded as a JSON string when data is saved using the .json() or .csv() functions. Note that, if any questions use the other option (add_other_option: true), then the response value will be the other_option_text (e.g. "Other") and any text written in the textbox will be saved as "(question name)-Comment".
rt numeric The response time in milliseconds for the subject to make a response. The time is measured from when the questions first appear on the screen until the subject's response(s) are submitted.

Simulation Mode

This plugin does not yet support simulation mode.


Basic single page
var trial = {
  type: jsPsychSurvey,
  pages: [
        type: 'html',
        prompt: 'Please answer the following questions:',
        type: 'multi-choice',
        prompt: "Which of the following do you like the most?", 
        name: 'VegetablesLike', 
        options: ['Tomato', 'Cucumber', 'Eggplant', 'Corn', 'Peas'], 
        required: true
        type: 'multi-select',
        prompt: "Which of the following do you like?", 
        name: 'FruitLike', 
        options: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange', 'Grape', 'Strawberry'], 
        required: false,

Open demo in new tab

Multiple pages, more customization
var trial = {
  type: jsPsychSurvey,
  pages: [
        type: 'text',
        prompt: "Where were you born?", 
        placeholder: 'City, State, Country',
        name: 'birthplace', 
        required: true,
        type: 'text',
        prompt: "How old are you?", 
        name: 'age', 
        textbox_columns: 5,
        required: false,
        type: 'multi-choice',
        prompt: "What&#39;s your favorite color?", 
        options: ['blue','yellow','pink','teal','orange','lime green','other','none of these'],
        name: 'FavColor', 
        type: 'multi-select',
        prompt: "Which of these animals do you like? Select all that apply.", 
        options: ['lion','squirrel','badger','whale'],
        option_reorder: 'random',
        columns: 0,
        name: 'AnimalLike', 
  title: 'My questionnaire',
  button_label_next: 'Continue',
  button_label_back: 'Previous',
  button_label_finish: 'Submit',
  show_question_numbers: 'onPage'

Open demo in new tab

Single and multiple item Likert-style scales
const trial = {
  type: jsPsychSurvey,
  pages: [
        type: 'likert',
        prompt: 'I like to eat vegetables.',
        likert_scale_min_label: 'Strongly Disagree',
        likert_scale_max_label: 'Strongly Agree',
        likert_scale_values: [
          {value: 1},
          {value: 2},
          {value: 3},
          {value: 4},
          {value: 5}
        type: 'likert',
        prompt: 'I like to eat fruit.',
        likert_scale_min_label: 'Strongly Disagree',
        likert_scale_max_label: 'Strongly Agree',
        likert_scale_values: [
          {value: 1},
          {value: 2},
          {value: 3},
          {value: 4},
          {value: 5}
        type: 'likert',
        prompt: 'I like to eat meat.',
        likert_scale_min_label: 'Strongly Disagree',
        likert_scale_max_label: 'Strongly Agree',
        likert_scale_values: [
          {value: 1},
          {value: 2},
          {value: 3},
          {value: 4},
          {value: 5}

        type: 'likert-table',
        prompt: ' ',
        statements: [
          {prompt: 'I like to eat vegetables', name: 'VeggiesTable'},
          {prompt: 'I like to eat fruit', name: 'FruitTable'},
          {prompt: 'I like to eat meat', name: 'MeatTable'},
        options: ['Strongly Disagree', 'Disagree', 'Neutral', 'Agree', 'Strongly Agree'],

Open demo in new tab

Response scoring
const trial = {
  type: jsPsychSurvey,
  pages: [
        type: 'multi-choice',
        prompt: 'During the experiment, are allowed to write things down on paper to help you?',
        options: ["Yes", "No"],
        correct_response: "No",
        required: true

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