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jspsych-instructions plugin

This plugin is for showing instructions to the subject. It allows subjects to navigate through multiple pages of instructions at their own pace, recording how long the subject spends on each page. Navigation can be done using the mouse or keyboard. Subjects can be allowed to navigate forwards and backwards through pages, if desired.


In addition to the parameters available in all plugins, this plugin accepts the following parameters. Parameters with a default value of undefined must be specified. Other parameters can be left unspecified if the default value is acceptable.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
pages array undefined Each element of the array is the content for a single page. Each page should be an HTML-formatted string.
key_forward string 'ArrowRight' This is the key that the subject can press in order to advance to the next page. This key should be specified as a string (e.g., 'a', 'ArrowLeft', ' ', 'Enter').
key_backward string 'ArrowLeft' This is the key that the subject can press to return to the previous page. This key should be specified as a string (e.g., 'a', 'ArrowLeft', ' ', 'Enter').
allow_backward boolean true If true, the subject can return to previous pages of the instructions. If false, they may only advace to the next page.
allow_keys boolean true If true, the subject can use keyboard keys to navigate the pages. If false, they may not.
show_clickable_nav boolean false If true, then a Previous and Next button will be displayed beneath the instructions. Subjects can click the buttons to navigate.
button_label_previous string 'Previous' The text that appears on the button to go backwards.
button_label_next string 'Next' The text that appears on the button to go forwards.
show_page_number boolean false If true, and clickable navigation is enabled, then Page x/y will be shown between the nav buttons.
page_label string 'Page' The text that appears before x/y pages displayed when show_page_number is true.

Data Generated

In addition to the default data collected by all plugins, this plugin collects the following data for each trial.

Name Type Value
view_history array An array containing the order of pages the subject viewed (including when the subject returned to previous pages) and the time spent viewing each page. Each object in the array represents a single page view, and contains keys called page_index (the page number, starting with 0) and viewing_time (duration of the page view). This will be encoded as a JSON string when data is saved using the .json() or .csv() functions.
rt numeric The response time in milliseconds for the subject to view all of the pages.


Showing simple text instructions

Showing simple text instructions
var trial = {
    type: 'instructions',
    pages: [
    'Welcome to the experiment. Click next to begin.',
    'This is the second page of instructions.',
    'This is the final page.'
    show_clickable_nav: true

Open demo in new tab

Including images

Including Images
var trial = {
    type: 'instructions',
    pages: [
    'Welcome to the experiment. Click next to begin.',
    'You will be looking at images of arrows: ' +
    '<br>' + 
    '<img src="con2.png"></img>'
    show_clickable_nav: true

Open demo in new tab

Changing Button Text

Changing Button Text
var trial = {
    type: 'instructions',
    pages: [
    'Welcome to the experiment. Click next to begin.',
    'This is the second page of instructions.',
    'This is the final page.'
    button_label_next: "Continue",
    button_label_previous: "Return to the dark side",
    show_clickable_nav: true

Open demo in new tab