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This extension supports eye tracking through the WebGazer library. For a narrative description of how to use this extension see the eye tracking overview.


Initialization Parameters

Initialization parameters can be set when calling initJsPsych()

  extensions: [
    {type: jsPsychExtensionWebgazer, params: {...}}
Parameter Type Default Value Description
webgazer object undefined You can explicitly pass a reference to a loaded instance of the webgazer.js library. If no explicit reference is passed then the extension will look for a global webgazer object. If you are loading webgazer.js via a <script> tag you do not need to set this parameter in most circumstances.
auto_initialize bool false Whether to automatically initialize webgazer when the experiment begins. If set to true then the experiment will attempt to access the user's webcam immediately upon page load. The default value is false because it is probably a good idea to explain to the user why camera permission will be needed before asking for it. The webgazer-init-camera plugin can be used to initialize the camera during the experiment.
round_predictions bool true Whether to round the x,y coordinates predicted by WebGazer to the nearest whole number. This greatly reduces the size of the data, as WebGazer records data to 15 decimal places by default. Given the noise of the system, there's really no need to record data to this level of precision.
sampling_interval numeric 34 Sets the interval between gaze predictions. Because the underlying code is partially asynchronous, this interval is only approximate. The sampling interval will not be faster than this, on average, but the time between samples may fluctuate. Setting the interval too fast will create performance problems and produce redundant data, as the video feed from most webcams only updates about 30 times per second.

Trial Parameters

Trial parameters can be set when adding the extension to a trial object.

var trial = {
  type: jsPsych...,
  extensions: [
    {type: jsPsychExtensionWebgazer, params: {...}}
Parameter Type Default Value Description
targets array [] A list of elements on the page that you would like to record the coordinates of for comparison with the WebGazer data. Each entry in the array should be a valid CSS selector string that identifies the element. The selector string should be valid for exactly one element on the page. If the selector is valid for more than one element then only the first matching element will be recorded.

Data Generated

Name Type Value
webgazer_data array An array of objects containing gaze data for the trial. Each object has an x, a y, and a t property. The x and y properties specify the gaze location in pixels and t specifies the time in milliseconds since the start of the trial.
webgazer_targets object An object contain the pixel coordinates of elements on the screen specified by the .targets parameter. Each key in this object will be a selector property, containing the CSS selector string used to find the element. The object corresponding to each key will contain x and y properties specifying the top-left corner of the object, width and height values, plus top, bottom, left, and right parameters which specify the bounding rectangle of the element.


In addition to the jsPsych webgazer-* plugins, the jsPsych webgazer extension provides a set of functions that allow the researcher to interact more directly with WebGazer. These functions can be called at any point during an experiment, and are crucial for building trial plugins that interact with WebGazer. All of the functions below must be prefixed with jsPsych.extensions.webgazer (e.g. jsPsych.extensions.webgazer.faceDetected()).


Performs initialization of webgazer, including requesting permissions from the user to access the camera. Returns a Promise that resolves when the camera is initialized and fails if the camera cannot be accessed, e.g., because the user denies permission. This is handled automatically if using the webgazer-init-camera plugin or setting auto_initialize to true in the extension parameters.


Returns true if start() has been successfully called at some point, and false otherwise.


Returns true if WebGazer is ready to make predictions (webgazer.getTracker().predictionReady is true).


Turns on WebGazer's real-time visualization of predicted gaze location.


Turns off WebGazer's real-time visualization of predicted gaze location.


Turns on a display of the webcam image, guiding box for positioning the face, and WebGazer's estimate of the location of facial landmarks.


Turns off the camera display.


Turns on gaze prediction. The extension will automatically handle this for you in most cases. You probably only need to use this if you are writing your own plugin that interfaces directly with WebGazer.


Turns off gaze prediction. The extension will automatically handle this for you in most cases. You probably only need to use this if you are writing your own plugin that interfaces directly with WebGazer.


Clears all calibration data.


Turns on mouse movement and mouse clicks as calibration events. While the webgazer-calibration plugin can also be used to run a parmeterized calibration routine, this calibration function call allows you to continuously calibrate WebGazer to any mouse movements or clicks throughout the experiment. For example, any *-button-response trial would also function as a WebGazer calibration event.


Stops WebGazer from using mouse movements and mouse clicks as calibration events.

calibratePoint(x, y)

Instructs WebGazer to register the location x, y (in screen pixel coordinates) as a calibration event. Can be used for passive viewing calibration, i.e., instructing participants to fixate at a particular location.


Change the method that WebGazer is using to perform feature -> location regression. Valid options are ridge, weightedRidge, and threadedRidge. See the WebGazer docs for more information about these options. The extension uses the default mode specified by WebGazer (currently ridge).


Get the current predicted gaze location from WebGazer. This returns a Promise that resolves once WebGazer has finished computing the gaze prediction. The Promise has a single parameter with an object with x, y, and, t parameters. t will be the value of at approximately the time that the video frame was recorded.


Starts sampling gaze predictions every interval milliseconds. If interval is left undefined then the default value at extension initialization is used. Every sample will trigger an onGazeUpdate callback, as well as side effects that result in data storage within the extension.


Stops the sampling started by startSampleInterval().


Subscribe to gaze updates. The callback will be invoked every time a new gaze prediction is generated. The first argument of the callback will be an object with x, y, and, if currently in a trial with the extension turned on, the time t in ms since the start of the trial. t will be the value of at approximately the time that the video frame was recorded. If currently in an active trial then t will be relative to the start of the trial.

This function returns a close handler. When you no longer need to subscribe to gaze updates, call the close handler. Example:

var cancelGazeUpdateHandler = jsPsych.extensions.webgazer.onGazeUpdate(function(prediction){
  console.log(`Currently looking at ${prediction.x}, ${prediction.y}`);


You can add multiple handlers. Handlers are not closed automatically, so be sure to cancel them when no longer needed.